Communication with the school
The school’s ‘open door’ policy ensures staff are readily available to speak with caregivers, either in person or by phone. Our office staff are able to make sure caregivers speak with the appropriate person. However, an appointment or return call may be necessary to ensure the staff member is available.
The school also communicates with families and the community through newsletters, the St Andrews School facebook page and by email.
Student led conferences occur twice per year so that students can share their learning and progress with their families.

Our beliefs about teaching and learning
Everyone is a learner and a teacher - staff, students and whānau.
Everyone will learn to their personal best.
Everyone will be supported and nurtured as individuals.
Everyone will have the opportunity to experience and acknowledge the bicultural nature of Aotearoa.

Our Curriculum
Here at Te Au o Tamatea, St Andrews Middle School we believe in enabling our students to become successful lifelong learners. Our curriculum is based around our vision of Nurture the Knowledge (Whāngai te Mātauranga) and our values of Mana (Integrity), Manaaki (Care), Ako (Reciprocal Learning) and Aroha (Love). Alongside this there are eight essential learning areas. Year 7-10 learn across the eight essential learning areas as part of our curriculum delivery. Our Year 9 and 10 students have access to a diverse range of learning experiences to ensure they are progressing along their educational pathway in readiness for NCEA. Senior students have the opportunity to gain NCEA credits.

Te Ao Māori
We have a learning community where whānau, staff and students focus on nurturing the knowledge through the foundation concept of whānau (family). Te Au o Tamatea, St Andrews Middle School acknowledges the mana whenua of Waikato Tainui and their Tikanga and Kawa is reflected. The principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the bicultural foundations of Aotearoa are embedded and great emphasis is placed on developing culturally responsive pedagogy. The school and curriculum are committed to nurturing the language, culture and identity of all learners. Te Au o Tamatea - St Andrews Middle School’s metaphor of a tree symbolises the four year journey of students. Our students will grow their Mana, Manaaki, Aroha and Ako during their time with us.