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Student Attendance


Te Au o Tamatea - St Andrews Middle School provides a broad range of curriculum options and opportunities and encourages students to participate fully in school life. Students are expected to attend school when required, and to be on time for classes. This policy applies for off-site activities as well, such as vocational courses, and EOTC activities.

We monitor the daily attendance of students to:

  • ensure their safety both in getting to school, and in accounting for them in an emergency

  • identify students with achievement, engagement, or other issues

  • meet our legal responsibilities.

Parents and guardians also have legal obligations to ensure their children attend school. The school expects parents to:

  • notify the school if their child is going to be absent by phone, text, or email by 9 am

  • try to arrange appointments etc. outside school hours or in holidays

  • work with the school to manage any attendance issues.


If your child is unable to attend school please let us know via hero or you can

phone us on 07 8492819 


If a child is absent caregivers will be notified via phone call that their child is



Leaving school during the day

Students may not leave the school during school hours except by special arrangement

– for example, a parent request (verbal or written) for the student to attend a medical

appointment. The student must sign out at the office.

If a student becomes ill at school, the office will contact home.



Unacceptable levels of absence

Attendance is monitored through our student management system (SMS).

Unacceptable levels of absence are followed up with the student, and their

parent/guardian. For continuous non-attendance students will be referred to

Attendance Services.


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